Ebola Threat
We have THE solution!

This is an EPA Certified product.

This has a 99.999% or higher kill rate according to testing.

Viruses are much smaller than bacterial and fungal cells and do not have metabolic activity. Viruses present fewer targets sites on which a biocide can act. Silver targets the viral envelope or capsid and the viral nucleic acid (RNA/DNA). Silver not only destroys the viral envelope or capsid, preventing the virus from attaching to a host cell, it also destroys the infectious component of the virus, the nucleic acids.

Ths not only kills the Ebola/Marburg/Hemorrhagic Fever but also Rotovirus along with H1N1 and all variants.

We can decontaminate a school bus in less than 2 minutes, an area the size of a two car garage in 4 minutes.

We have EPA test results for all the following: